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The Hunter’s Political Err
Federal Lands: Still soon enough after the Civil War to hear the ringing of gunfire and smell the smoke, March of 1872 brought light to a novel but momentous debate on this nation’s political landscape. Ulysses S. Grant’s signature of the Yellowstone National Park Protection Act was a complete juxtaposition…
Archery Elk
We sat, excitedly waiting in anticipation. The bull ran along the steep hillside. It was densely covered in a mosaic of aspen trees; their golden leaves dancing on the breeze. He screamed a high-pitched bugle, as he slowed to a walk. He stopped, bellowed a throaty chuckle, and began thrashing…
Wild Splendor
Oh, the wild splendors that nature’s heart, she renders, How terribly estranged we have become.Jagged peaks pierce the clouds but remain obscured beyond the shrouds,The concrete and steel forged by man.Rolling hills of prairie have become an adversary,A helpless victim of man’s lustful greed.Forgotten and misplaced, the beauty we once…