aerial photography of pine trees on the mountain

Nature’s Bounty


The wilderness is a wonderfully designed source of peace, inspiration, hope, and healing. Crafted by God’s hand, these places constitute America’s holy places. Experience stories from, enjoy poetry inspired by, and learn about this country’s havens.

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Born of necessity alongside all of nature, hunting and fishing have been a means of food acquisition. Live the stories from, glean the techniques and tactics utilized in, and inform yourself of the issues facing hunting in America through my adventures.



The harvest available to us through nature’s bounty ranges from delicious wild mushrooms to beautiful cuts of meat. Review how to properly field dress and process game, learn how to better handle and prepare game meat, and gain inspiration from recipes.

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American heritage is deeply rooted in the outdoors and conservation with many of this country’s heroes being mountain men, frontiersmen, or conservationists. Explore the heritage of the outdoors and conservation in order to better understand and protect the future.

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Read My Blog

From poetry to essays, my work is written out of passion and for your reading pleasure.

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Read My Story

Learn more about my upbringing in the outdoors and my passion for writing about nature’s bounty.

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